Monday, November 12, 2007

ID Cards and the assault on liberty

Though a member of the Labour Party, there's just one thing I'd really like them to Not do, and that's ID cards. Never mind the cost - we're a rich country after all. No, it's the imputation, suddenly, that we're not mature enough, as a people, to have the freedoms that we once did, to take the risks that adult life involves. No: now we must be secure, instead. I say instead because I think it is basically a binary choice between the path of security, control, leading ultimately to totalitarianism, and the path of liberty, of freedom to choose, to associate, to think and declaim and complain and protest and Take Risks. To have the freedom to go where we may, to see whom we might, to say what we think - that is something that we've had and preserved and defended for hundreds of years, and we risk losing it, now.